Thursday, December 13, 2007
8.Q. IMPACT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON SOCIETY:- The early applictions of computers were in the areas of goveerment research and were applied to the solution of business problems. Today computers have affected the lives of ech and every one of us. It is being put to use everwhere homes, organizations of all sizes. No about computers have a strong impact on the people. however in the wake of developments in computer, there in problems also let us brielly summarise the positive and negative impact of computers on people.* Positive Information technology.:- Imformation revolution has opened up new vistas in empoyment for many people. thanks to inf. technology many people enjoy challenging careers in computer departments is operators programmers, system analysts, system managers. Customers are benefited by the computer based services in the areas of health care, consumer intensive public utility services prompt delivery of goods to consumers. * The impact of computers on health care management is well pronounced. Health care professionals achieve greater efficiency in conducting research into complex problems with aid of computers. these studies could not have been comducted without the computers. * Lawyers use on line legal data banks to locate precedent cases in order to serve clients better. * Sales people receive timely inf. about the products in stock. marketing strategies of their products and can improvetheir sales performance because of computer system. * there is a great nevolution in office automation. office staff need not use typewriters now instead they use personal computers for their routine and repetitive job functions. * Education and recereational facilities have been greatly benefited by computers.. computer animation firms are preparing programmes that give illusion of movement to inanimate things that we see in movies and on TV ow a days. * Computers contribute an a very big way to personal safety. computers are applied in aircraft design, automobile transmission and gas utility companies where safety measures are incorporated through computers. * As far as library and inf. science areas are concerned. computer application cmplete computers are extensively used for inf. storage and retrieval. Librarians had made early use of computers for library and inf. applications.
Negative Inf. Technology:- In addition to the many benefits we derive from computer applications, we also have negative effects and problems. * The cmplete dependence on computers can lead to scrious and often insurmountable problems. should they mallunction or fail completely. * there is a great deal of concern on the part of many individuals with respect their lack of control of knowledge concerning inf. about themselves and concerning who might have access to this inf. and for what purpose. data are smetimes gathered without any valid reason or a careful cheek abot its accuracy and as a result many people are victimised by systems errors and inaccurate data input.* The privacy issue is another major problem like data secrecy and it is difficult to maintain privacy in the absnce of proper controls knowledgeable emphooyees can steal data and program with then skill and sell the same as it it is their data. they may erase data and cause damage to vital organisational systems if they are not happy with their management. * There is view on the application of inf. technology to organisations. technology increases unemplyement leads to depersonalisation threatens our right to dignity and privacy and threatens to pollute or blow up the world. computers and technology are likely to be the curse of humanity.
9. Q. Library Network or NICNET:- National Inf. center network sponsored by NC, links all state captals 450 districts headquarters with the national center in Delhi, the network uses sate lites communications and roof top antennae to transmit and receive data. It will rpimarily support the information needs of state and central goverment offices and wll enable better monitoring and implexmentation of developmental plans. It ensures faster and more effective communication between goverment departments and ministries. * NICNET also serves as a communication channel for other specialized networks like BITSNET, INFLIBNET, etc. NIC has also been designated as the Indian medlars center IMC. it also provides links to international networks, using which IMC is directly linked to the NLM Ntional medical library in USA. the creator of MEDLARS Medical literature analysis and retrieval systems. *Other databsess available on line in related areas through a NICNET Included. * Aidsline: Bibliographic cltations of literature on aids published since 1980. * Cancerlit: Cancer related literature. * histline: On history of medicine and related science. * OSHROM : On occupational safety and health. * Psylist (on Psychology) and science citation index. * The biomedical databases on CD-ROMs held at the IMC library are also available to the network subscribers from remote locations through dial up facilities. NIC is Planning to extend services to the remote areas of the country with VSATs Very smal aperture terminals in the near future, neighboring countries like maldives along with SAARC countries will be provided connectivity to these serices.
10. Q. INTERMENT:- The INTERNET also known as the net is the world's largest computer network. it is not really a network, it is a network of networks. all freely exchanging inf. the networks range from the big and formal to the small and inf. It is liking the people institutions, universities, business, organisatins located in distant places of the globe. * birth f the Internet,:- INTERNET was born in 1969 as ARPANET, a compuer network set up by the Advanced Research project Agency (ARPA) in USA to the Defence Scientists and Universities exchange data and inf. among themselves. * In the 1970's a growing number of educational and research establishments have developed their own computer networks functioning as Local Area Networks (LANs which they wished to join together. as a result the first gateways and routine systems were developed and the concept of network of networks or internet working was evolved. sooner it assuned the name internet. * In the mid 1980s the natiional sciences foundation NSF of USA started a network of super computers under the project of advanced network series, NSF has got the idea of giving access to the super computer by the academic institutions in all the countries. to implement this NSF chosen the ARPANET and all the Universities in and outside the USA began to selt up links. thus the network became an internatiional network and called as INTERNET. * HOW INTERNET WORKS: The transmission protocol TCP/IP is the main tool to dig the INTERNET resources. the TCP/IP is a set of protocols developed to allow the co-operating computers to shere resources across the network. it is the most successful mechanism for networking of computers world wide. * TCP Transmission control protocol a programme chefly deals with how the inf. sent is addressed to its intended receiver and also resposible for breaking up the messages into datagrams reassembling them at the other end resendign anything that ges lost an putting things back in the right order. *Internet tools and services.: There are various tools to access and use the internet resources. the main tools or services which are available throgh internet are: 1. Electronic Mail (E-mail) 2. File Transfer protocol (FTP). 3. Remote Ligin (Telnet) 4. Bulletin board systems (BBS) or Usenet. 5. Wrchie 6. Wordl wide web (WWW). 6. World wide web is the one of the latest tools which has got tremendous advantages. www is multimedia hyperlinked databse that spans the globe. the WEB comblnes text. pictures, sound and even amimation and you move around with a click of you computer mouse. the software used to navigate the web is known as a browsers the most popular browsers today are net scape and Mosaic. the tools for locating relevant inf. such as telnet FTP etc are being merged and are becoming accessible through a single common interface which is called world wide web( WWW).
11.Q. Database system. advantages & disdvantages: Advantages: Data Independence: the organization can exert centralized management and control on the data through DBA. Applications requireing a change in the structure of a data record can get the modification implemented through the DBA without effecting other application or the users of the record in question. * data independence is usually considered from two points of view physcal data independence and logical data independerce. physical data independence indicates that the physical storage structures or devices used for storing the data could be changed without necessitating change in the conceptual view orany of the external views. Logical data independence implies that application programs need not be changed if fields are added t the existing record no do they have to be changed if fields not used by the application prog. ma are deleted. * Data Sharing: A well maintained database allows the sharing of data under its control by any number of appliction programs or users e.x. A catalog record of a document held in the library can be used by acquisition librarian to check for duplicates before ordering by the reference librarian to answer a uery. by the circulation department while changing. * Data Integrity: Centralized control ensures that adequate checks are incorporated in the DBMS to provide data integrity i.e. the data contained in the database is both accurate and consistent. data validation procedures can be introduced at the entry where necessary to maintain integrity (e.g. validation of ISBN, ISSN numbers checking for specific details like conference name, place and data while the document deals with a conference proceedings etc. * Data Security: In some organizations confidential or sensitive data is maintained. In a centralized control system, the DbA incorporate security measures so that the confidential data is not accessed by Unauthorized persons. Example are provided under section.9.10. Disadvantages: 1 Cost: a Significant disadvantage of the database system is cost. in addition to the cost of purchasing or developing the software the hardware may have to be upgraded. cost of migrating from traditionaly separate application convironment to an integrated one may sometimes be exorbitant. * 2. Slow Response: The processing orveheads introduced by the DBMS to implement security, integrity and sharing of data causes a degradation of the response and through put times. * 3. Complex Backup / Recovery: While centralized databade systems reduce duplication there is need for regular backups so that in case of failure the data can be recovered Backup and recovery operations are fairly complex in a DBMS environment and this is exacerbated in a concurrent multi user system.
12Q: WP WORD PROCESSING: The term word processor usually refers to a stand alone machine exclusively deveoted to word processig only. this has a key board with many additional special keys to facilitate maximum use of capabilities of word processor the printer attached to it si capable of word processor. the printer attached to it is capable of generating different sets of fonts to like care of sopbisticated printing needs of a publisher. A stand alone word processor may be needed where the requirements are heavy say in a publishing house. * Most Microcomputers come with some sort of word processing software WORDSTAR is one such WP package. besides using the computer for WP. it can be used for other types of applications like spread sheets, data base management regular data processing jobs employing programs written in well known aguages like COBOL, BASIC etc thus, WP is one of the serveral applications for which the computer is used. * in another situation you may have a large mainframe computer or a central Minicomputer with a number of terminals. the central computer has we software and the terminal is just used to access the central facility on a time sharing basis. * Having seen what is word processor or word processing beiefly let us look into several the most common features of wpnow. Later on we shall discuss special features available on different WP Packages other than wordstar. (for the sake of simplicity of a defintion common features are those availabel in WORDSTAR. Special features are those not available in WORDSTAR. * In as much as the library is also an office turning out paper work al types of correspondence, letters forms tables etc. can be prepared using WP. preparation of manuals for the newcomers, brochures explaining the rules regultions facilities etc. reports on studies undertaken project and budget proposals to authorities etc. can be done on WP. *Routine uses would be preparation of list of additions bibligraphies documentation lists abstracting bullins etc. in the case of Bibligraphies keeping them updated becomes very easy as nothing needs to be retryped only additions and alterations or corrections need be done. * Several form leners used in the library can be conveniently done on WP Reminders for return of books. non supply of periodicals bookds etc are some examples.
13. Q. Desk top publishing (D.T.P): Work in any office involves communication and correspondence, dicussions across the table communiction can be through telephone fax telex or E-mail but mostly it takes place through written documents generated for internal and external use. discussions meetings nd resentations also end up in agenda, minutes, reports. information technoogy offers many solutions to facilitate management of written communication in an office. Use of computers for word processing is one such area. this unit exaplains how word processing is inadequate and explains the advantages of DTP and wp in some of specific publshing tasks.. * Conventional publshing process.: The steps involved in traditional publishing can be studeied by looking at the responsibilities of various persons doing he job. we have the author editor copy editor, artist and designer proof reader paste up artist and finally the prnter engaged in various stages of publishing activity. * author conceives the idea contained in the publication he describes the throught contents in natural languge by committing them to paper by typing or writing out in long had or perhaps into a computer using a word processor. atuthor also suggets pictures and illustrations what they are and where they fit in.* Copy editor look into grammaticla and spelling errors and consistency in the whole document thus ensuring that qualitative points have been taken care of. * Proof reader compares the author's manuscript and the first proof gally proof and corrects all crrors spelling mistakes page numbering omission of lines etc. correctins are carred out by compositor. this cycle is repeated till an error free text is obtained. * paste upu artist pastes the galleys containing text and art work having pictures on a board which forms the whole page. the boards called mechanicals are then passed on to the prnter. * printer makes films out of mechanicals transfers an impression of the film to the printing plates and finally to multiple copies. generally offset printing method is used to get throusands of copies from a signle plate. wp t dtp an advancement: Having seen the various stages of pubishing in the traditional let us see how a text processor or word processing as it most often called by mistake is not fully equipped to help us. * A Publication as against mere office correspondence, is intended to be widely circulated. visual impact and communicating to the reader is important. cover design paper quality page layout quality of illustrations etc. all play a role in enhancing the aesthetic aspect. this is intangible but necessary DTP overcomes the lim tations of WP by providing a lot more support in many pubishing activities.
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